Cara Cetak Resi Shopee Di Printer Thermal
Apakah Anda pernah kesulitan mencetak resi dari Shopee di printer thermal? Jangan khawatir, disini kami akan memberikan tutorial cara mudah untuk mencetak resi Shopee di printer thermal dengan langkah-langkah yang jelas dan mudah dipahami.
Banyak pengguna Shopee yang mengalami kesulitan saat ingin mencetak resi pembelian di printer thermal. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa perbedaan tampilan antara resi yang ditampilkan di aplikasi Shopee dan format yang dibutuhkan oleh printer thermal. Oleh karena itu, Anda memerlukan panduan yang tepat supaya proses pencetakan berjalan lancar.
Cara Memperbaiki Koneksi Internet Di Laptop
Jangan khawatir, tutorial ini akan membantu Anda dalam proses cetak resi Shopee di printer thermal dengan mudah dan cepat. Ikuti langkah-langkahnya dengan seksama dan dapatkan resi pembelian yang rapi dan teratur. Persiapkan peralatan pencetakan seperti printer thermal dan kertas percetakan, dan mulailah proses cetak resi Shopee yang efektif dan efisien.
Cara Memperbaiki Kulkas Bagian Bawah Tidak Dingin
Dengan tutorial ini, Anda tidak perlu repot-repot lagi ketika ingin mencetak resi pembelian di Shopee. Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat!
“Cara Cetak Resi Shopee Di Printer Thermal” ~ bbaz
Table of Contents:
Shopee is one of the biggest online marketplaces in Indonesia. As a seller, you have to print shipping labels consistently. Nowadays, printing Shopee receipts has become easier by using a thermal printer. In this article, we will compare and contrast different ways of printing Shopee receipts on a thermal printer.
Cara Mengatasi Tanda Silang Pada Baterai Laptop
Printing through the Shopee website
In the initial stage, sellers had to download and print their Shopee orders and ship them by going into their Shopee account. Now, Shopee has introduced a new feature that allows you to directly print your receipts from your order page. Here are the steps to follow:
- Login to your Shopee account
- Access the orders page from the top menu bar
- Choose the order for which you want to print the receipt
- Click the ‘print receipt’ button
This method is suitable if you have limited orders. However, if you are a medium-sized or large-sized seller, and you have to print various receipts at once, you need to use other methods.
Printing using a third-party software
If you have to print many Shopee orders at once, using a third-party software would help you save time. Some applications like Jatis Mobile, ShopeePrint, and PrintMate have been developed to assist you in enhancing the printing process. Let’s review some general steps to print Shopee receipts using these applications:
- Download and install the desired software on your computer
- Log in to your Shopee account and export the orders that need receipts
- Upload the file onto the software
- Set up the printer settings and print the Shopee receipts
This method is more beneficial for those who have many orders or those who want to have more control over their printing process. With the option to filter, you may choose specific time frames or items that suit your needs, and you may even save on package labels.
Printing using Chrome extensions
If third-party software seems too sophisticated for you, you can go for free Google Chrome extensions such as Shopee Helper, Label Maker, and Shopee Easy Printer. Here are the steps on how to use Chrome extensions to print Shopee receipts:
- Download and install the extension you want
- Log in to your Shopee account and access the orders page
- Click on the extension icon on your browser
- Print the shipping labels or receipts as desired
Extensions are a convenient way to quickly access Shopee’s printing functions. It is important to do research before installing any extension carefully to avoid malware or viruses.
Comparison Table
Features | Printing Through Shopee Website | Printing Using Third-party Software | Printing Using Chrome Extensions |
Suitable For | Small To Medium Sized Sellers | Medium To Large Sized Sellers | Small To Medium Sized Sellers |
Number of Orders | 1-2 Orders | Many Orders At Once | Many Orders At Once |
Accessibility | Easily Accessible | Accessible With Software Knowledge | Easily Accessible |
Control Over Printing | Low Control | High Control | Low Control |
In conclusion, Shopee printing receipts using a thermal printer have become so much easier with the help of different methods available. Printing directly from the Shopee website is a simple and effective option for small businesses. Meanwhile, those who have many orders or want to have more control over the printing process can opt for third-party software like PrintMate or Chrome extensions such as Shopee Helper. Whatever method you choose, make sure it suits your business needs and avoids any fraudulent activities. Happy printing!
Terima kasih sudah mengunjungi artikel ini mengenai Cara Cetak Resi Shopee di Printer Thermal. Semoga informasi yang diberikan dapat bermanfaat bagi Anda para pengguna Shopee yang ingin mencetak resi dengan mudah dan cepat menggunakan printer thermal.
Ingatlah untuk selalu memastikan terlebih dahulu bahwa printer thermal yang akan digunakan telah terkoneksi dengan baik ke laptop atau komputer Anda sebelum mencetak resi. Selain itu, pastikan juga bahwa printer thermal Anda memiliki kertas termal ukuran 80mm x 80mm agar proses pencetakan resi berjalan dengan lancar.
Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi customer service Shopee jika Anda mengalami kendala atau kesulitan saat mengikuti langkah-langkah yang ada. Terakhir, semoga pengalaman berbelanja dan berjualan di Shopee semakin menyenangkan dan sukses. Sampai jumpa di artikel-artikel selanjutnya!
Beberapa orang mungkin masih bingung tentang cara mencetak resi Shopee di printer thermal. Berikut adalah beberapa pertanyaan yang sering diajukan dan jawabannya:
Bagaimana cara cetak resi Shopee di printer thermal?
Langkah-langkahnya adalah sebagai berikut:
- Buka aplikasi Shopee Seller
- Pilih pesanan yang akan dicetak resinya
- Tekan tombol cetak resi
- Pilih opsi cetak di printer thermal
- Tunggu hingga proses cetak selesai
Apakah semua printer thermal bisa digunakan untuk mencetak resi Shopee?
Tidak, printer thermal yang digunakan harus memiliki ukuran kertas yang sesuai dengan resi Shopee. Ukuran kertas resi Shopee adalah 80mm x 180mm.
Apakah perlu menginstal driver khusus untuk mencetak resi Shopee di printer thermal?
Tergantung pada jenis printer thermal yang digunakan. Beberapa printer thermal sudah memiliki driver yang terpasang secara default di komputer atau laptop. Namun, ada juga printer thermal yang memerlukan instalasi driver tambahan.
Bisakah mencetak resi Shopee di printer thermal tanpa menggunakan koneksi internet?
Tidak, untuk mencetak resi Shopee di printer thermal, diperlukan koneksi internet untuk mengakses aplikasi Shopee Seller dan mengambil data pesanan yang akan dicetak resinya.